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Global Engagement

Engaging the World

York's five-year global engagement strategy pledges the university to engage the world by uniting around global challenges and opening new doors for students, partners, educators and researchers. 

In a world facing a convergence of unprecedented trials from climate change, a global pandemic, poverty, systemic inequality and political polarization, this phase of internationalization and global engagement will see York: 

  • Develop new partnerships
  • Embrace emerging technologies
  • Devise strategies to ensure our ideas and discoveries reach global audiences
  • Do more to engage diverse populations in the pursuit of knowledge
  • Test new modalities for student learning

Download York’s Strategy in English and French

Four strategic priorities will guide the work of York’s faculties and departments, and provide the flexibility needed to set goals depending on individual contexts and objectives: 

Expand Inclusive Global and Intercultural Learning  

Enhance the Experience of International Students 

Engage in Global Research and Innovation  

Elevate Global Stewardship, Partnerships, Profile and Impact

Putting the plan into action

The strategy complements and supports the University Academic Plan, the Strategic Research Plan, Sustainability Strategy, and other key university strategies. It will guide the development of operational plans that will be incorporated in divisional and faculty Integrated Resource Plans, including actions with an appreciation for engaging academic units, staff, and faculty members.  

Global Engagement by the Numbers


Partnerships in 60+ countries


International students from over 180 countries


York degree and non-degrees programs offered on 3 continents (North America, Asia, Africa) 


Partners to support refugees and students requiring financial support


Years of work with refugees at York at the Centre for Refugee Studies


Years providing free education in the global south for refugees


Global experiential learning partners


Global campuses in Costa Rica and India

Funding, Awards, and Engagement

Current York Students


International Opportunities


Conferences & Programs

Global Engagement

Global Initiative

York U EcoCampus

Las Nubes, Costa Rica

The Las Nubes Project aims to contribute to community well-being in ways that are compatible and conducive to environmental conservation.